Friday, August 9, 2013

Spirtual Gifts

"Spiritual gifts", is a term we here often in church. I think it is a term that is thrown around without much meaning and understanding. I know because I would throw that term around and it didn't really mean to much to me. I mean I know what my gifts are that God blessed me with, but I didn't really know what the point of them were. I could tell you that God gave me the gift of leading music, but all I could tell you the purpose is for, is for leading music at church, and thats it.
Well God woke me up to the purpose of theses gifts on my trip to Guatemala. I lead music for the group that was with me at the hotel every morning and evening. Now I figured that was the only purpose for my gift and I thought that was good enough. Thats a really stupid thought if you think about it because why would God want you to use your gift for those who have already accepted Christ. Of course you do that too, but that shouldnt be the only purpose. God created this giant place for us to use it for his glory. God was really nagging at my heart to bring my guitar to the center and play for the children, but I aways dismissed that idea because I didnt really think would enjoy it much.Well God used another lady in our group to get me to bring it. She wanted me to play when the nannies were having their devotional, so I agreed and brought my guitar along. God sure woke me up to the reason he gave me this gift. I was supposed to just play one song but they asked for more and more. I could really feel God speaking through me too and the ladies were getting the message he wanted them to hear. I was so fired up about finding the purpose for my gift and I ended up bringing my guitar the next day to play for the kids. I was still a little nervous that the kids wouldn't really enjoy it, and that they would go nuts and want to start playing with me. But nothing was going to stop me, so I started by sitting down in the room that I had been working in all week, and just started to play and sing worship songs. Before I knew it I had every single kid in that room sitting down in front of me quitely just staring up at me with this look of awe on their faces. Once again I could feel God speaking through my singing. I got to play for all the kids in the center, and I finally understood the purpose of the gift that God gave me. Not only could I feel God speaking through me, but it brought me closer to all the kids and even nannies at the center.
The importance of using the gifts that God has given you for his glory, I can't stress enough. Now, what if you havn't discovered your spiritual gift? Well I promise you that you have one. All you need to do is pray, and I even find that serving him throughout your entire life can bring you to discover your gift.
God will show you your gift. You just have to be open minded and be preprared to do something you never expected to do. God made you, and God made you to glorify him, and God gave you a gift so that HE could use it to make his name known.
More thought into this and I realized that God created us to glorify him in everything we do, and if our gift is supposed to glorify him then that means, everything that we do that bring glory to God is our spirtual gift. If you look at it that way, then its not so hard to find that one thing that God gifted you with. God gifted you with more than you know, so just glorify him with all these gifts and let God build his kingdom here on earth.

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