Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Down Hill Spiral

Life is full of choices. What you do with these choices is totally up to you. They can make or they can break you. From a Christian stand point, their is really just two choices. Are you going to follow Christ or not? Now this sounds like such an easy choice to make right? Well in this day and age we seem to have made a third choice, and that choice is, are you going to follow Him sometimes? The bible clearly states that their are only two options, and this third option is the same as not following Christ, actually God says its worse!
As a Christian who struggles with this problem, I can tell you it's not easy to follow Christ in every situation, everywhere you go, in this world. But, God says we have to, and if you want to please God, and truley follow him, then you need to listen. The christian church has such a bad reputation of housing hypocrites and judgers. The thing is we earned it. It is so sad to see, and be apart of a generation that is leading people away from Christ. I dont know about you, but I want to live like Christ in everything I do.
I have been slowly working this into my life on my college campus. Yes I go to a Christian college but I also play for the soccer team who are not all believers. When I left home to come to Trinity Baptist College I was very strong in my faith, and I was excited to be apart of a school fool of people just like that. The school is great and has some of the strongest, most faithful christians I know, but the soccer team was a diferent story. The soccer team is filled with awesome guys, but mostly not followers of Christ, and then their are some that claim to be followers but dont live the life. I figured my faith was strong enough that I would be able to handle it. Boy was I wrong! It is incredibly frightening how quick I did a down hill spiral. In a about two weeks I was cursing and laughing at inapropriate things, and just being like the rest kf the world. It honestly scared the crap out of me because of how quickly I had turned away from God, after being supposedly " strong in my faith". God woke me up though and I texted some christian mentors back home to pray for me to get out of this trap that satan had caught me in. I got back to reading my bible and talking to God, I stopped cursing all together, and started listening only to christian music again. God wrapped me up in his arms quicker then I had wiggled out of them. I can now say I am stronger in my faith then ever before and you know what? It's not even hard to live for God everywhere I go. It was that simple and easy becahse of God.
If you struggle with this very common disease, then it is a simple solution.... get closer to God. God wants to hold you in his arms and embrace you. All you have to do is let him. I can tell you from personal experience that God will bless you in more ways then you could even imagine. He did for me already. So get out of this down hill spiral and jump up into our Daddy's lap.

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