Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Leaders are Servants

Soccer season is back in full swing! It is my second year on Tinity Bpatist College Men's Soccer Team. I have a new role on the team, and that is captain. My coach decided to make me one of three leaders on the team. I was really excited about the new position, but I wanted to take it seriously, and become a "good" captain. 
During the offseason I spent a lot of time in prayer, and just asked God to show me how to be a good leader. God started leading me to get into the Word, and to look at some examples of leaders. Obviously the first one I looked at was Jesus Christ himself! What better leader to try and imitate? Then I looked at Joshua, Daniel, Nehemiah. I quickly discovered a pattern. Everyone of these leaders were servants. 
These leaders were more concerned about others than themselves. They put others needs first, and they truly cared and loved those that followed them. They weren't arrogant or prideful. They just wanted success for others. 
I realized that this is exactly how I have to be! I have to put others first, and not put myself on a pedastoll. I need to stay humble and truly care about my team. 
Unfortunately people that are blessed with the gift of leadership, that are of the world, abuse it. It is sad to see that some of the most influential people in the world are so selfish, and only look out for themselves. Just imagine what the leaders in this world could do, if they followed the examples that are in the bible. Imagine how different this world could be.
If you are blessed with the gift of leadership, I challenge you to be a servant. Look out for the needs of others and honor God. Be an example, more than a talker. Let's serve this world and see how God works! 

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