Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Body

The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. (1 Corinthians 12:21-26 NIV)

This passage came up in one of my team talks before Trinity Baptist College Soccer hit the field for a game. We were struggling with unity on the team due to some members lack of playing time. I knew that any division on the team would bring the team down and effect us on the field. A lot of guys think that because they don't get as much playing time as others they aren't as important, but then you also have the problem of those that think they are better than the rest because of their superior playing time. God had a plan for every single person on that team and they all have a special skill set that God gave them. I wanted to try and make that clear to my team and I wanted us to grow closer to each other and to God. We even had players that wouldn't celebrate with a player that scored or did well out of jealousy because they were in a position that they wanted. I knew that if we could some how overcome all of these issues in the team, we could make such a difference; not only on the field but off of it, because the body of Christ completely unified is a powerful weapon in this sinful world. 

I have noticed this same defect in the body of Christ off the field. So many people have been given such amazing talents from God, but because it's not as "important or "prestigious" they don't want to use it. My favorite part of the passage above is in verse 22: "On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable". God has given you your gift to glorify Him! He didn't give it to you for you to look good, or to collect worldly pleasures from it, no, He gave it to you to use for His honor! Their is no gift that is more pleasing or less pleasing to God. As humans we put values on different talents and gifts. We put some higher than others just because they seem more important to us, or just because they get more attention with their specific gift. God doesn't care about our worldly values! He just wants the body of Christ to come together as one and lift the name of Jesus! Don't covet over someone else's spiritual gift! Take yours and do everything you can possibly do to glorify the Creator! "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it". Just sit back and imagine what it would like if the body of Christ (the believers) was completely unified and used each of their parts to honor God.... Big things could happen in this world!

I am happy to say that the soccer team really listened that day and even applied it to the team. We have grown so much closer and have had a successful season thus far, and we are working on becoming one team, one family, and one body for Christ. Let's get excited about those special gifts that God has blessed us with and let's become one body, and lets infect this world! 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Trail Less Blazed

The TBC Mens Soccer team went on another adventure this past weekend, and it was another great blogging moment!
Let me start off with my very recent struggle. I had an amzing freshmen year at Trinity Baptist College! God did so much in my life in such a short amount of time. He gave me so many opportunities, both then and for the future. He was leading me in a very exciting direction. Fast forward to about a week ago..... I was living the vision that God gave me a year ago, but it wasn't panning out quite the way I thought it would. I suddenly found myself overwhelmed with no money, no time, and no energy. I seriously started questioning if this is what God really wanted for me. I was down right depressed. I was so frustrated and wanted to quit everything that God had planned for me........
The soccer team had to travel to Taccoa Falls, Georgia for a game Friday and Saturday, and a game in Tennessee on Monday. Sunday was a rest day, so we went to a local church and then had some lunch, but when we got back to the hotel the team got bored quickly. Coach decided it would be fun to find a place to hike and swim. He found a place called Panther Creek. We really had no clue what we were getting into. We got there and asked a man who had just walked out of the trail how long the trail was. He told us just over three miles. That is when you could hear grumbling from some of the less adventurous members of the team. Coach and some of the guys on the team got cocky and decided that we could run the whole thing. So we took off! Sprinting through the trail, being very cautious of the ankle turning roots and rocks; while tring to keep our balance so we didnt slip and fall down the cliff. At one point I turned back and realized that it was just coach and I who had survived. We were still holding a high pace, hoping that every time we rounded a corner, we would be there..... wherever "there" was..... Our legs started burning and cramping, and we started to doubt that the end of the trail was three miles like the man had originally said. We eventually found a spot on the trail that seemed as good a spot as any, so we stopped and jumped into the icy rapids. It was gorgeous and we were quite content with what we had found. Some of the other guys caught up to us but were not content with ending the trail early, so they pushed on. Coach and I reluctantly followed. We put our shoes back on and commented to eachother that "the end of this trail better be amazing". We started a slow jog. What started as a very optimistic journey quickly became less enjoyable. Our legs were burning, our ankels were sore, we were getting blisters, we even got attacked by some bees, but still we pushed on. We went, for what seemed like hours. We rounded every cornner hoping to see the end in sight. Our attitude was turning from adventurous to frustrated,  and exhausted; but still we pressed on. Suddenly we could hear the river pick up its intincity. We turned a corner and we realized that we were nearing the end of the trail. We looked to our left and saw a stupendous sight. Suddenly we both felt rejuvenated and sprinted to the amazing sight where the other members of the team that pressed on were. We had a great time swimming and jumping off of rocks for a while. Since the hike was so long we realized we had to start heading back. We were dreading the hike back, but at the same time our attitudes and optimism were at an all time high. We began the long journey back. Coach and I jogged for a little, but our legs were getting quite heavy so we slowed it down to a brisk walk. We realized that we didn't recognize some of the trail, not because we were lost, but because we ran by all this beauty to quickly to appreciate Gods  splendor. Yes the walk was grueling with every step, and every twisted ankle, and every steep incline; but I had a new attitude. It hurt, but their was no way that I was going to stop or slow down. Finally I found the end of the trail and felt so accomplished. On the walk back from the waterfall God really spoke to me.
This story is a great example of so many Christian walks, including mine. I started the trail with so much confidence and excitement,  just as I did the coming year. But I got tired, I settled with what I thought was the best sight on the trail, just as I got tired and almost settled with giving up, and not doing what God had planned for me. But I was encouraged by other members on the team to press on, just as I was encouraged by a close friend of mine to press on and not give up. The next part of the story can relate to my future. So many Christians get to a point in their life where they feel like they have made it to where they need to be spiritually. They will even stop and admire where God has taken them, but they get complacent, they don't press on to the waterfall. The next part of the trail might be harder because you are tired, you might start to feel the burn in your legs; but if you press on you are about to see Gods amazig beauty. Just like the journey back to vans, it is incredibly difficult. It might even feel like everything is against you. You could be attacked by bees, twist your ankle, almost fall off a cliff, but if you keep pressing on the reward is so much bigger than you could ever imagine.
I learned so much on this hike. I woke up and realized that I was getting complacent,  yeah the trail was getting harder, but it was making me stronger. God was, and is equipping me to be so much more than I could imagine. I can say I am rejuvenated and ready to face that trail again, and this time I am not going to settle. I am going to push on and not slow down, while praising God for his sovereignty the whole way. So other Christians who are struggling, those who are at a place where it is geting to hard, and to those who are settling with where they are; are you going to press on and face the trail less blazed? Are you going to live a life completely sold out to Christ? Are you going to stop at every obstacle, or mirage; or are you going let God take you and mold you, and grow you to what He wants? Let's take the trail less blazed!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Leaders are Servants

Soccer season is back in full swing! It is my second year on Tinity Bpatist College Men's Soccer Team. I have a new role on the team, and that is captain. My coach decided to make me one of three leaders on the team. I was really excited about the new position, but I wanted to take it seriously, and become a "good" captain. 
During the offseason I spent a lot of time in prayer, and just asked God to show me how to be a good leader. God started leading me to get into the Word, and to look at some examples of leaders. Obviously the first one I looked at was Jesus Christ himself! What better leader to try and imitate? Then I looked at Joshua, Daniel, Nehemiah. I quickly discovered a pattern. Everyone of these leaders were servants. 
These leaders were more concerned about others than themselves. They put others needs first, and they truly cared and loved those that followed them. They weren't arrogant or prideful. They just wanted success for others. 
I realized that this is exactly how I have to be! I have to put others first, and not put myself on a pedastoll. I need to stay humble and truly care about my team. 
Unfortunately people that are blessed with the gift of leadership, that are of the world, abuse it. It is sad to see that some of the most influential people in the world are so selfish, and only look out for themselves. Just imagine what the leaders in this world could do, if they followed the examples that are in the bible. Imagine how different this world could be.
If you are blessed with the gift of leadership, I challenge you to be a servant. Look out for the needs of others and honor God. Be an example, more than a talker. Let's serve this world and see how God works!